Outrage grows over Congress’ Internet privacy vote

Outrage is growing at Republicans following a controversial vote Tuesday to repeal Internet privacy protections that were approved by the Federal Communications Commission in the final days of the Obama administration.

Privacy advocates, consumer groups and the tech community are all attacking the decision. It was quickly panned by both the editorial board of The New York Times and by commenters on conservative media outlet Breitbart News.

“This is one of very few Obama-era regulations that should have stayed,” one commenter wrote on Breitbart Tuesday night. Another responded: “totally agreed! this is an attack against freedom.”

The rules, which had not yet gone into effect, would have required Internet service providers to get your permission before collecting and sharing your data. The providers have data on your web browsing history, app usage and geo-location.

Providers would also have been required to notify customers about the types of information collected and shared.

Fight for the Future, a digital rights group that helped organize protests for net neutrality, is planning to put up billboards naming the legislators who voted to repeal.

“Congress should know by now that when you come for the Internet, the Internet comes for you,” Evan Greer, campaign director of Fight for the Future, said in a statement before the vote. “These billboards are just the beginning.”

Related: Worried about companies spying on your browsing? Here’s what you can do

The tech industry, which has been relatively quiet on issues like net neutrality under the new administration, also expressed dismay at the vote.

Vijaya Gadde, general counsel at Twitter, tweeted it’s “time to start using a VPN at home” in response to the news. A VPN, or virtual private network, is one option to protect your online identity.

“You better believe the big ISP’s already have teams & plans in place to capitalize on this ruling,” Erica Baker, an engineer at Slack, wrote on Twitter.

Some frustrated Internet users have even gone so far as to launch a crowdfunding page to buy up Internet data belonging to members of Congress.

The Senate voted along party lines to undo the rules last week. The resolution now goes to Trump’s desk. The White House said Tuesday it “strongly supports” the repeal.

Nonetheless, groups are now calling on Trump to make good on his populist campaign rhetoric by vetoing the legislation.

“It does provide an opportunity for President Trump,” the Consumer Federation of America, a nonprofit organization, said in a statement Tuesday. “He can show that he is on the side of the people by vetoing this measure.”

The ACLU echoed that sentiment in a statement: “President Trump now has the opportunity to … show he is not just a president for CEOs but for all Americans.”

CNNMoney (New York) First published March 29, 2017: 11:29 AM ET

Iceland’s Blue Lagoon unveils cool new luxury hotel

Iceland’s Blue Lagoon to get new luxury hotel

Blue Lagoon: A man-made series of pools filled with geothermal mineral water, the Blue Lagoon is one of the prime tourist destinations in Iceland. Now it’s set to open a new luxury hotel.

Iceland’s Blue Lagoon to get new luxury hotel

Private pools: The expansion of Blue Lagoon will include an underground spa, a signature restaurant and 62 guest rooms.

Iceland’s Blue Lagoon to get new luxury hotel

Breaking boundaries: The folks at the Blue Lagoon say the expansion will attempt to “erase the boundary between nature, wellness, hospitality and affluence.”

Iceland’s Blue Lagoon to get new luxury hotel

Icelandic eats: The Moss Restaurant aims to deliver a luxury dining experience with a menu based on Iceland’s culinary traditions.

Iceland’s Blue Lagoon to get new luxury hotel

Steamy windows: The hotel’s rooms will have views of the lagoon.

Iceland’s Blue Lagoon to get new luxury hotel

Hot facilities: As well as a spa using geothermally heated seawater, the Blue Lagoon also includes a sauna, steam room, waterfall, and in-water silica bar.

Iceland’s Blue Lagoon to get new luxury hotel

Perfect stopover: Located just 20 minutes from Keflavík International Airport and 50 minutes from Reykjavík, Blue Lagoon is conveniently placed for visitors.

Iceland’s Blue Lagoon to get new luxury hotel

Misty marvel: Created in 1976 as a byproduct of a a nearby geothermal power plant, the water in the lagoon is rich in minerals such as silica and sulfur.

Iceland’s Blue Lagoon to get new luxury hotel

Big bath: The Blue Lagoon covers an area of 8,700 square meters and holds nine million liters of geothermal water.

Iceland’s Blue Lagoon to get new luxury hotel

Light show: From the waters of the lagoon, visitors can see the Northern Lights when conditions are right.

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Netflix’s binge-worthy soap in teen’s suicide

Adapted from a 2007 young-adult novel, and counting writer-director Tom McCarthy (“Spotlight”) and Selena Gomez among its creative team, the series oscillates between the recent past and present, gradually puttying in the circumstances surrounding Hannah (Katherine Langford), who, a la “The Lovely Bones,” essentially narrates her own tragic tale.

The twist is that Hannah recorded a series of cassettes detailing what transpired, which are being circulated posthumously among her friends. “I’m about to tell you the story of my life,” she explains in soothing tones near the outset. “More specifically, why my life ended.”

Each hour thus advances the ball forward gradually, highlighting the contributory role of a different peer in Hannah’s orbit. The current story primarily unfolds from the perspective of Clay (Dylan Minnette), a shy boy who worked with Hannah and obviously harbored feelings for her.

Beyond chronicling the cruelties and pressures of high school’s caste system (certainly pretty well-worn territory), “13 Reasons” unwraps a series of escalating incidents and consequences. The made-for-Netflix device, meanwhile, enhances the mystery, since many of the kids have already heard all the cassettes, know who Hannah blames and hint that she might not be a wholly reliable narrator.

The producers have done an exceptional job casting the teen roles. Despite its focus on the kids, though, the show doesn’t completely reduce the parents to a Charlie Brown cartoon. Kate Walsh plays Hannah’s desperate mother, while Steven Weber is the school principal, clearly concerned about liability issues regarding the tragedy that occurred on his watch.

From a commercial standpoint, “13 Reasons Why” feels like an ideal Netflix show — tailored to a hard-to-reach demographic, offering the kind of mystery that’s meant to be binged.

The main disclaimer, having seen the entire first season, is that the show doesn’t deliver a tidy ending, which merely creates possibilities for a second season. It’s worth noting, too, that the drama doesn’t shy away from several key moments that are clearly not for the faint of heart, so if teens tune in, younger siblings should beware.

The grim details are arguably necessary to tell Hannah’s story without romanticizing it — always a danger when dealing with teen suicide — and help viewers understand why she felt so hopeless. “Maybe you did something cruel,” she says on the tapes during the second episode. “Or maybe you just watched it happen.”

In a sense, “13 Reasons Why” turns its audience into voyeuristic bystanders as well. Yet while Hannah’s fate isn’t pleasant, as presented in this enticing, slickly constructed package, it’s hard to look away.

“13 Reasons Why” premieres March 31 on Netflix.

Emily Deschanel on final ‘Bones’ show

It was around 5 a.m. on a day back in December when Emily Deschanel closed the door on a 12-year chapter in her life and finally hung up her lab coat as Dr. Temperance Brennan on Fox’s “Bones.”

The previous night was a lot more than a typical day in the lab, however.

The cast and crew of “Bones” were on location filming the climax of their series finale episode — an intense scene where Brennan and Booth (David Boreanaz) take on vengeful killer Mark Kovac (Gerard Celasco).

Boreanaz was at the helm, serving as director on the action-filled night, full of shoot outs, running, falling, and, eventually, a lot of tears.

Deschanel had planned to come back the next night for a few more scenes, but a half hour before they were set to depart set, Boreanaz told her that he could get everything he needed that evening.

“It was a little bit of a shock,” Deschanel said. “It was emotional. I burst into tears and choked up and said goodbye to people. It was really strange — and then it took two hours to drive home.”

How to say goodbye

It was a bit of a long goodbye for “Bones.”

Fox announced in February 2016 that the show was renewed for what would be a 12th and final season — “a good run,” Deschanel calls it.

The show’s final episode aired Tuesday.

Showrunners had time to plan one final arc and a proper farewell for loyal fans, who’d followed the show to 23 different time slots over the years.

Executive producer Jonathan Collier, who’s been with the show for six seasons, wanted to bring character stories full circle with something impactful. So he and fellow showrunner Michael Peterson looked to the past to find the show’s future.

In a Season 1 episode written by longtime executive producer Stephen Nathan they found their answer — a storyline that recalled Booth’s time as a sniper and a particular instance where he killed a boy’s warlord father during his son’s birthday party.

“We thought this would be a great way to show an emotional journey for Booth for the show,” Collier told CNN. “He finds healing and redemption.”

Kovac was killed in the series finale.

“[Booth] reached a place with Brennan where he’s no longer in pain,” Collier said of the finale. “Or he at least has the tools to deal with his pain.”

Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz in the series finale episode of "Bones."

For Brennan, the episode contained another twist. Following a lab explosion in the penultimate episode, she lost the scientific, crime-solving abilities for which she’s become famous. Doing this allowed the writers to show how much she’s grown, Collier said.

Though the character identified herself purely by her abilities in the early seasons, the last 12 years have proven to Brennan that she’s so much more than that.

“She defines herself by her abilities, by this enormous ability she has and this brilliance and this capability, and what happens when you strip that away?” he said. “Maybe something even more important remains….We wanted to have that emotional wholeness at the end.”

Deschanel was fascinated by the concept and encouraged the writers to explore the idea to its deepest depths.

The finale has an especially emotional scene where Booth and Brennan share a sweet conversation in the office about how much Brennan — with her abilities or not — means to Booth.

“I thought they did a great job coming up with a story that really kind of wraps up a lot of storylines and characters,” she said. “It’s dramatic but also satisfying in many ways. I thought they did an amazing job.”

Is this REALLY the end?

The finale also set up all of the show’s favorites for the future.

Camille (Tamara Taylor) and Arastoo (Pej Vahdat) adopted three children. She took a six month leave to help her children settle in.

In her absence, Hodgins (T. J. Thyne) was appointed temporary director — or “king of the lab,” one of the show’s running jokes.

Aubrey (John Boyd) got a promotion that would keep him in D.C. instead of moving across the country. And Angela (Michaela Conlin) wrote a children’s book.

The writers solved a long-time mystery, as well — the meaning of “447,” a number that has popped up repeatedly on the series and has been the subject of fan speculation.

In the closing scene of the final episode, a scene between Brennan and Booth reveals the number is essentially a metaphor for perseverance.

“Oh, that was [decided] up until the end,” Collier said, laughing. “We were trying to figure it out. We all had different ideas for what it should be. All of us weighed in and it was going on for a long time.”

The goal was to leave viewers with a sense of peace and hopefulness, Collier said.

“The characters are okay; they’re well and good,” he said. “The big thing, too, is I really hope it’s a positive message that adversity can be overcome. Everyone has problems in their lives. These people have a problem every week, and a huge problem at the end. But they’re together and they overcome it.”

But is this really the end for “Bones?”

The cast and producers have been open about the fact that the decision to end the show was prompted by the network — but there’s no hard feelings. And no reason to close the door on a possible return of some kind in the future, said Deschanel.

“I would not rule it out,” she said.

Cops: Dad foils teen’s attack plot

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Meditating can help you live to 100

In the past, my family and friends would’ve typically described me as pleasant but hurried. My baseline restlessness and edginess, however, have now nearly vanished.

Without difficulty, I have sustained attention when my young children spend time with me. Instead of constant surveillance of my phone, there is an ability to quickly hyper-focus on the task is at hand and a corresponding joy of living in a distraction-less world.

This change seems to have started the end of last year, after I spent a morning meditating with the Dalai Lama.

First off: Yes, I do feel a little ridiculous writing a line like that, and I didn’t feel worthy of his invitation at the time. Even though I meditate, I’ve never been sure whether I was using proper technique or whether there was an acceptable way to meditate in the presence of His Holiness.

If he was looking forward to a good meditation partner, I worried he was unlikely to find it in me. Even my posture is terrible when sitting cross-legged on the floor. My back starts to hurt, followed by my knees. Thus, my breathing, which is supposed to drive my focus, sounds raspy and uneven. All this makes my mind race instead of slowing down and calming.

Just thinking about meditating with His Holiness was making me anxious.

Nevertheless, who says “no” to a chance to meditate with the Dalai Lama? I agreed to join him early the next morning at his private residence.

A practice that begins at 3 a.m.

At 81 years, old, the Dalai Lama keeps a very active schedule. I met him in Mundgod, India, at the Drepung Monastery, where he was overseeing a symposium bridging Buddhism and science.

The monastery itself is a dazzling bejeweled structure built 600 years ago. Inside, there are enormous golden Buddhas standing next to ornate walls. The discussion hall itself is grand but warm, with doors and windows open to the hot South Indian sun.

For three days, his Holiness moderated sessions on weighty metaphysical topics such as the criteria for valid reasoning, the fundamental constituents of the universe, origins of life and the subjective experience of the mind.

It was fascinating and mind-bending — but also mentally exhausting. It was difficult to stay awake, let alone keep up with the rapid-fire debate between the Buddhists and the scientists. Yet his Holiness was mentally engaged and inquisitive throughout, even more remarkable given more than half the comments were being translated for him.

The Dalai Lama typically wakes about 2:40 a.m. and starts his daily meditation routine at 3 a.m., even as most of his staff is still snoozing.

This was the backdrop when one of his senior staff members picked me up outside the monastery early one morning. We drove in a three-car convoy to the gates outside his private residence.

From there, several more staff members escorted us to a small conference room where his security detail was slowly waking and drinking their morning tea. Finally, his chief of staff walked me just outside the personal quarters of the Dalai Lama.

Meditating is hard for him, too

There were a few minor instructions before we entered. Eye contact is not a problem, and shaking hands is acceptable if you use two hands, not just one. Try not to turn your back to him when leaving the room, and instead walk backward, as much as possible facing him. When sitting cross-legged on the floor, don’t point your feet at the Dalai Lama. And the correct address is “your holiness.”

Shortly after, the doors opened, and I nervously walked into a very modest room where the Dalai Lama was sitting on a raised platform, already deep in meditation. I slipped off my shoes, sat cross-legged at a slight angle on the floor to avoid my toes being pointed in his direction, closed my eyes and started to focus on my breathing.

All my meditation insecurities immediately started to kick in. After a few minutes, I heard his deep, distinctive baritone voice: “Any questions?”

I looked up and saw his smiling face, starting to break into his characteristic head-bobbing laugh.

“This is hard for me,” I said.

“Me, too!” he exclaimed. “After doing daily for 60 years, it is still hard.”

It was at once surprising and reassuring to hear him say this. The Dalai Lama, Buddhist monk and spiritual leader of Tibet, also has trouble meditating.

“I think you will like analytical meditation,” he told me. Instead of focusing on a chosen object, as in single-point meditation, he suggested I think about a problem I was trying to solve, a topic I may have read about recently or one of the philosophical areas from the earlier sessions.

He wanted me to separate the problem or issue from everything else by placing it in a large, clear bubble. With my eyes closed, I thought of something nagging at me — something I couldn’t quite solve. As I placed the physical embodiment of this problem into the bubble, several things started to happen very naturally.

The problem was now directly in front of me, floating weightlessly. In my mind, I could rotate it, spin it or flip it upside-down. It was an exercise to develop hyper-focus.

Less intuitively, as the bubble was rising, it was also disentangling itself from any other attachments, such as subjective emotional considerations. I could visualize it, as the problem isolated itself, and came into a clear-eyed view.

Too often, we allow unrelated emotional factors to blur the elegant and practical solutions right in front of us. It can be dispiriting and frustrating. Through analytical meditation, His Holiness told me, we can use logic and reason to more clearly identify the question at hand, separate it from irrelevant considerations, erase doubt and brightly illuminate the answers. It was simple and sensible. Most important, for me — it worked.

Meditation for skeptics

As a neuroscientist, I never expected that a Buddhist monk, even the Dalai Lama, would teach me how to better incorporate deduction and critical thinking to my life — but that is what happened.

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It changed me. And I am better for it. I practice analytical meditation every day, usually early in the morning. The first two minutes are still the hardest, as I create my thought bubble and let it float above me. After that, I reach what can best be described as a “flow” state, in which 20 to 30 minutes pass easily.

I am more convinced than ever that even the most ardent skeptics could find success with analytical meditation.

Over the holidays, I spent as much time as possible relaying the Dalai Lama’s teachings to my family and friends and teaching them basic principles of analytical meditation. This was the gift I most wanted to share with them. And now with you.

Greatest rise in heroin use was among white people, study says

More people die from drug overdoses than from guns or car accidents. At the peak of the AIDS epidemic in 1995, 43,115 people in the United States died from the disease.

Furthermore, since 1999, the number of overdoses from prescription opioids like oxycodone and hydrocodone, as well as illicit drugs like heroin, have quadrupled. In fact, heroin now accounts for one in four overdose deaths in the United States.

Now, a new study in the journal JAMA Psychiatry looks beyond the total number of overdose deaths to get a better picture of how heroin use patterns have changed since 2001. Since then, the number of people who have used heroin has increased almost five-fold, and the number of people who abuse heroin has approximately tripled.

The greatest increases in use occurred among white males.

Heroin use on the rise

The authors evaluated the responses of 79,402 individuals, as collected from the 2001-2002 and the 2012-2013 National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, a longitudinal study conducted by the National Institutes of Health to evaluate alcohol and drug use and abuse. While heroin use between whites and non-whites was fairly similar in the 2001-2002 results, at 0.34% and 0.32% respectively, by 2012-2013 the percentage of whites who had used heroin jumped to 1.90%. Just 1.05% of non-whites in 2012-2013 used heroin. Heroin use also increased significantly among those with a high school education or less, as well as those who lived at less than 100% of the federal poverty line.

The authors of the new report write “these trends are concerning because increases in the prevalence of heroin use and use disorder have been occurring among vulnerable individuals who have few resources to overcome problems associated with use.”

According to a 2016 Surgeon General’s report on alcohol, drugs and health, only one in 10 of those with a substance use disorder receive any treatment.
“The good news is that among all drugs of abuse, heroin and opioids have by far the best treatment medications available. Methadone and buprenorphine have proven effectiveness data, they not only reduce the chances of dying from an opioid overdose by 50%, they support people being in recovery from their addiction and reduce health care costs and improve a wide array of other outcomes,” said Caleb Banta-Green, an associate professor of health services at the University of Washington. Banta-Green was not involved in the study.

Starting with prescription drugs

The study also confirmed the idea that many heroin users start by using prescription opioids like oxycodone and hydrocodone. Approximately one-third of all white heroin users reported using prescription drugs for non-medical purposes in 2001-2002. By 2013 more than half of all white heroin users started by initially using prescription drugs. For non-whites, the number of people who started by using prescription drugs before heroin actually dropped in the same time frame.

An accompanying editorial by Bertha Madras, a psychologist at McLean Hospital in Massachusetts and former deputy director in the White House’s Office of National Drug Control and Policy pointed to the shift in treating pain as a major factor in understanding the current crisis. She noted that in the past two decades, the number of opioid prescriptions has risen three-fold.

“This shift in practice norms was fueled by acceptance of low quality evidence that opioids are a relatively benign remedy for managing chronic pain,” she wrote. “These vast opioid supplies created a risk for diversion, opioid misuse and disorder, and overdose death.”

The study did not find any significant difference when looking at what age groups were using heroin, but heroin dependency and addiction was significantly higher for those below the age of 45 than those above. That should be a cause of concern, said Banta-Green, who noted that one of the costs of overdoses and abuse to society is lost productivity.

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A county-by-county study released Wednesday by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, calculated that drug overdose deaths resulted in a 778 years of potential life lost for every hundred thousand people. This report also found that most of the increase in premature deaths in 15- to 44-year-olds is due to drug overdoses. And while no community is immune to this crisis, suburbs, which used to have the lowest rates of premature deaths from drug overdoses now have the highest rates.

The authors of the longitudinal study note that “heroin use appears to have become more socially acceptable among suburban and rural white individuals, perhaps because its effects seem so similar to those of widely available [prescription opioids].”

The findings of these new reports are in line with earlier research over the past two decades about increasing heroin and opioid overdoses. “The trend isn’t a surprise — the takeaway is what matters. Heroin use disorder is a serious medical condition with which individuals are likely to struggle for the rest of their life. We need to give them the tools they need to survive and thrive,” said Banta-Green.

April Ryan: The press is ‘under attack by this administration’

Story highlights

  • “I happen to be a black woman, but I’m part of the press,” Ryan said
  • Spicer told Ryan to “stop shaking your head” at a White House briefing

“We are — the press is — under attack. We are under attack by this administration,” American Urban Radio Networks correspondent April Ryan said on CNN’s “New Day.” “It’s about discrediting credible media.”

Spicer told Ryan at Tuesday’s briefing to “stop shaking your head” and accused her of being “hell-bent on trying to make sure that whatever image you want to tell about this White House stays,” after she asked him about the investigation into contacts between Trump campaign associates and Russian officials.

Ryan, one of the few black female journalists in the press briefing room, declined to say if she thought Spicer treated women journalists differently but did highlight another recent incident involving Spicer and another female journalist.

“I happen to be a black woman, but I’m part of the press,” she said. “But this is part of a series of two women this week who have been in the news over something with the press secretary.”

“I just see from the weekend that reporter from Politico who he called an idiot and then this situation, it’s showing a pattern,” Ryan added.

Ryan was referring to a Saturday tweet from Politico’s Tara Palmeri that said President Donald Trump is considering removing White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. Spicer denied her report.
“She is an idiot with no real sources,” Spicer told Breitbart News in an email.

Spicer and Ryan had a much more positive exchange at Wednesday’s briefing when Ryan was the first journalist the press secretary called on. The two exchanged pleasantries while smiling and laughing as others in the room laughed.

Ryan previously had a tense exchange in February with Trump over his desire to meet with black lawmakers.

When questioned on whether he planned to meet with the Congressional Black Caucus, a group of African-American lawmakers on Capitol Hill, Trump asked Ryan if she could organize it herself.

“No,” Ryan replied, adding that she was “just a reporter.”

How Tetris can soothe after trauma

But a new study has shown that playing the computer game Tetris within hours of experiencing trauma can prevent those feelings from taking over your mind.

PTSD occurs when intrusive memories linked to fear from a traumatic event become consolidated in a person’s mind by them visualizing the event in a loop until it becomes locked in their brain.

Competing with the visualization, such as with a game like Tetris, can block that consolidation form happening.

“An intrusive memory is a visual memory of a traumatic event,” said Emily Holmes, Professor of Psychology at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, whose team led the study. “Tetris also requires imagination and vision. Your brain can’t do two things at once, so this interrupts.”

Tetris is a simple, visual and addictive computer game in which the goal is to line up falling shapes to form rows that then disappear when aligned. As rows disappear, more shapes fall and the longer the game lasts, the higher the score.

The goal in Tetris is to line up falling shapes to form rows that disappear when aligned.

Holmes hopes that use of these simple and early strategies with patients could help prevent the onset of PTSD. The current standard treatment doesn’t begin until after people develop the condition.

PTSD is estimated to effect 3.5% of adults in the US, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. The percentage is similar globally, at 4.6%, according to the World Health Organization.

Effective soon after an accident

Researchers tested the game on 71 patients in a UK emergency room who were seeking care after a motor accident. Half of them received standard care for their injuries, while the other half received a psychological intervention within six hours of their accident in which they were asked to recall their trauma, practice playing Tetris and then given the game to play on their own.

The patients were then monitored for one week, during which time they tracked how often they had memories, or flashbacks, relating to their accident. The people who has played Tetris reported 62% less memories on average over the week.

“After two days they had gone down to pretty much zero,” Holmes told CNN.

Researchers have long believed that intervening early — within hours or days of the event — could stop the fearful memories from developing in the brain. This is the first study using something as simple as a computer game.

Holmes has been researching the use of Tetris in this way for more than a decade in the lab and this proof-of-concept study is the first time she has experimented with patients.

The research remains in it’s early stages, she stresses. What we need to do is a larger study,” said Holmes who also hopes to monitor the effectiveness of her approach over a longer period of time, up to six months.

The need for more insight using a larger cohort of people was raised by consultant Mark Salter from the Royal College of Psychiatrists, as well as the need to test options other than Tetris. “The study is small … and not everyone plays Tetris or is computer literate,” he told CNN. He added that there is also the challenge of “getting someone to participate when they’ve just seen something terrifying.”

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But he was intrigued by the findings and the ability of this prevention measure to be given soon after someone experiences a trauma. “What’s exciting about this is that it happens quickly,” he said. “It allows an immediacy to the intervention.”

Salter said the approach needs to include other options that are more universally acceptable since “it’s not just Tetris that does this.”

Holmes said that anything visual and engaging could have a similar effect. But, he added, other engrossing activities using other parts of the brain, such as number or word activities, may not work, or make things worse.