“Hey Honey? What’s For Dinner?”

“Beans! If you want Weenies with that you’re gonna have to go to Safeway!” “Hi C.O., this is Anise, aka Annie, Annabelle, Annie-Belly, Bananabelle, and Princess Paws. She think she should be a paw model, so we thought we’d go big or go home with a C.O. Toesday submission. Annie is a 3 year old […]

“Single Use Only???”

[Hey! There are TWO MORE OF US over here! Share the wealth, willya?] ~ ~ ~ “Dear C.O., we need a new Rule: ‘Piiiiinnnk Tongues make me faint with cuteness!’ Evidence: my 3 guinea piggies (L-R Pinky, Caramelitta & Pepper) showing you perfectly pink tongues.” -Best regards, Melina.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Guinea Peegs, noms, The […]

Caturday Afternoon Haiku, Because Why Not?

A cat yoga pose. Inhale. Reach front paws. Relax. Sunbeam is a must. ~ ~ ~ “This is my rescue Fiona. She practices yoga for well being and health. Her nose and paws have been featured on C.O. (thank you) and now the rest of her!” -Deb M. & Fiona =^..^= [*Note: Haiku also provided […]