Boy gives his Wii to grieving cops

Story highlights

  • A nearby department had just lost a detective in the line of duty
  • Brady wanted to give his Wii to officers “to make them feel better”

Brady loves reading, throwing around the football and — most of all — playing with his Nintendo Wii.

But after learning that the nearby Everest Metropolitan Police Department in Wisconsin lost one of its own when Detective Jason Weiland was killed last week in the line of duty, Brady donated his most prized possession to the Wausau Police Department. The departments’ headquarters are about 12 miles apart.
Brady Duke, 7, gave his Wii gaming system to officers after a detective was killing the line of duty.
“I knew I had to do something because their police brother died,” Brady told CNN affiliate WSAW. In a letter posted by the department to Facebook, Brady thanks the officers for their service and for protecting his family.
The Wausau Police Department in Wisconsin posted this letter from Brady.

Another note that accompanied the gift says Brady wanted to give his Wii to officers “to make them feel better.”

The video games are helping the officers, Wausau Police Deputy Chief Ben Bliven said.

“We’re encouraging our officers to come in, take a break and de-stress,” he told WSAW.

The Wausau Police Department in Wisconsin posted this letter, which accompanied Brady's gift.

Brady’s big gesture also had its perks. His new friends in blue surprised him with an Xbox 360 so he can keep on gaming.

“Brady’s example is one we can all follow,” Wausau police said in a Facebook post. “Thank you Brady for your love and compassion and thank you for setting the example for others in our community at a young age of 7.”