Caturday: And Meow You Know

Cat Facts on a Caturday! Impress your friends at your next party with this Fun Feline Factoid: did you know that coat color may dictate their behavior? Here are a few more! Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Caturday Morning

Cats Are Supposed To Be Smart

So when will they learn that they will NEVER EVER catch the little red dot? “This is the same British shorthair kitten from “Kitten vs. Straw,” says Vladimir S. In this video she tries to catch the notorious red dot.”Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Caturday, Whackadoodle Kittehs

Bobblin’ -N- Wobblin’

If I could do anything and be anywhere this second- it would probably be at the Toronto Zoo gettin’ some snorgle time with this two-month old PB. Although they say the weather in Maui is nice this time of year, too. But they don’t have Bebeh Polar Bears. (Story spotted on Mashable.)Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: […]

“Flawless Rule #52 Action!”

“This is Terry, flawlessly (and quite smugly) demonstrating Rule #52. Photo taken by me, his second favorite person – his dad forever remains tops on his list.” -Christine P.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Cats, caturday night, I am squinting because you used the flash, The Rules of Cuteness

Bunday: NYC Buns

DIESEL. DUMBO. DIVA. [*Note: Wasn’t there a TV show with this name? Hill Street Buns? NYPD Bun? Memory not what it once was….-Ed.]Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Bunday, Buns

Y’all Got Any Fish In There?

[Lemme…just…..haaaauuuuuuuulllll me-self up on board SPLAT ah there we go. Wow, I could lose a few pounds. No more In-N-Out-shakes for me. For at least a week. OK, who’s got the grub?] (Tastefully Offensive.)Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Hoomin Interaction, May The Blorp Be With You, Seals

Dude, Where’s My Peanut?

This little maniac stops by this house every morning for his Daily Peanut. Boy, if he could only visit OUR backyard. A daily feeding frenzy. (Tastefully Offensive.)Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Hoomin Interaction, noms, Whackadoodle Sqwerl